It's time to take action. It's time to take all the work we have done in mind and take it out to the streets. Scary thought for some. Bold and brave for others. A must for manifesting. Let's get it started with Rev. Jay as he takes you down...
Come with me and you'll be in a world of pure imagination. The lyrics from the Newley/Bricusse song heard in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" unknowingly describes how this spiritual practice called visualization is a powerful precursor to creating our greatest life. Declaring, revealing, feeling, knowing, loving and...
When you speak your Word, who's talking? When your self talk is loud and clear, who's talking? When you speak the language of the perception of you have about your life and your experience in it, who's talking? The response may seem obvious, however the answer goes deeper. Join...
There is a penetrating intelligence in the Universe. What is it? Where is it? Should I fear it or embrace it? Can I use it or does it use me? Join Rev. Jay in exploring a conversation with the Divine Intelligence and how to use It. Cultivating this intelligence...
Purpose. What is your purpose? How do I find your purpose. Exploring the activity of Dharma in our life reveals our Divinity, as well as what to do with It. Come find if you have the heart, the brains or the nerve to do that. Join Rev. Jay as...
What thoughts are you hoarding? It was National Pack Rat Day on May 17th. Are you a pack rat of thoughts that are destructive or constructive? negative or positive? It's important to know what they are and more important to know what to do with those you are hoarding...
This weeks talk honors the Divine Universal Mother in all her incarnations, in all cultures. She comes through to us/as us/for us through the most essential point in the Divine Matrix. Join Rev. Jay in exploring the primal expression that brings forth the manifestation of all ideas in the...
Inspiration From Rev. Jay - Ain't Life Keen? - A look at our first year and the inspirations we infused over those twelve months. The 2019 theme was AND SO WE BEGIN and the 2020 theme is PERCEPTION. So many wonderful topics were delved into to Reveal the Divinity...
What a Holy month full of inspiring lessons. What to we do with those lessons? how do we implement them? Join Rev. Jay as he explores the sassy and succulent tools of your greatest life. Can you guess who is the sassy and succulent one. YOU!
Happy Earth Day and Orthodox Easter. To celebrate Earth Day, Rev. Jay talks about cleaning up the environment on the inside as well as on the outside. There's the Clean Air and Water Acts, let's create the Clean Mind and Consciousness Act today. We have the Environmental Protection Agency...